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It almost seems to good to be true, doesn't it?

Yes, The Team will develop a two page Internet Website for your Business at NO CHARGE.

This may occur under the following conditions.

1. The business requiring the free website must provide the visitor a substantial "Internet Only" benefit. This benefit may take many forms and is dependant upon the business. The "benefit" will be accessable to internet visitors at their site. Jelly Bean Community Presence is planning that these benefits take the form of coupons which the visitor prints out from their home computer.

Some examples of benefits are; "Recieve 25% percent off any purchase over $50.00.

Recieve one meal free with the purchase of a meal of equal value.

Receive venue entry free when accompanied by paying customer.

Recieve $5.00 free when purchasing $50.00 worth of credits for card machine/ poker machine.

2. The business requiring the website must complete necessary legal forms,

3. The business requiring the Website must authorise to provide third party advertising on their companies webpage. Such advertising will be rated "G" and shall not depict similar or related items to those offered by said company.Such advertising will take the form of small banners.

4. The business requiring the Website must regulary change the "Offer" on a regular basis. The new offer must be either emailed or phoned through to Jelly Bean Community Presence at the commencement of each month.

5. The business must agree that their Internet Home Page be listed on the Local Illawarra Directory called . This will provide the company with a global and local presence on the internet that has the potential to increasre their sales.

Being in agreement with the above terms provides the Business with a free basic 2 page website that has the potential to greatly improve their business turn over.

If the business should choose to, Jelly bean Community Presence will design a Premium Internet Website. This site will include email address and their own custom website address. The price is dependant upon the needs of the company. But we have NO DOUBT that you will get a cheaper offer.